viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

Galletas de chocolate con chispas de chocolate


2 1/4 tazas de harina
1 cdita de sal
1 cdita de bicarbonato
2 barras de mantequilla a temperatura hambiente
3/4 taza de azucar granulada
3/4 taza fe azucar morena
2 huevos
1 cdita de vainilla
1/2 taza de cocoa en polvo
2 tazas de chispas de chocolate

Precalentar horno a 375°F.
Mezclar harina sal y bicsrbonato. En otro recipiente hondo mezclar completamente mantequilla, ambas azucares, huevo, vainilla y cocoa. Una vez bien mezclado incorporar las chispas de chocolate formar bolitas para las galletas y ponerlas en una charola engrasada o con un tapete de silicon y hornear por 10 minutos.

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Basic ceviche recipe for MaryAnn


1 lb of raw shrimp (for better flavor, I recommend devain WHIT shell, ideally small to medium, but any size will work)

3-4 diced fresh tomatoes I prefer roma but any red tomatoes will do

1-2 diced ccucumber

1/2 onion diced or in "juliana" (thin slices) red or white onion but green onion also works perfect

1/2 cup chopped cilantro

Fresh squeezed lime juice (5 to 6 aprox or as much as you need)

Salt and pepper

1 shredded carrot optional

1 cubed avocado optional

1 choped serrano pepper optional

How to do it:

Peel shrimp, if shrimp is too big, you can cut it open (butterfly style) or chopped. Season with salt and pepper and add enough lime juice to cover them, set aside mixing once in a while to make sure every shrimp is completely covered with the juice.

Season onion with salt and add lime juice about 1 tbs mix and set aside this will reduce the strong flavor. Skip if using green onions.

Shrimp are cooked when they turned white about 20-30 minutes some people leave them cooking in the juice for 1 or 2 hours but really 20 min is all you need. If not turnning white fast enough, you may need to add more lime juice you can always drain some later (I personally love lime so i always keep it, but depends on how sour you want it).

Once shrimp is cooked mix all ingredients together and readjust seasons.

Enjoy with chips or tostadas, if you want to be more adventurous, try Fritos or doritos!

Alternative options:

Use chile de arbol or habanero instead of serrano.

Add diced mango o jicama, you will be surprised!

Use ground or finally chopped tilapia fish (Anika really liked this version).

You can really use this basic recipe for any ceviche! Just change the main ingredient and adjust lime juice (shimp ceviche need the most lime juice). Try coliflower ceviche is delicious! Even for those who don't like coliflower! Could be raw ground or steam ground or finally chopped. Cooked lentils is another good option.

Try "aguachile", in blender or food processor make a salsa with lime juice, cilantro, hot pepper, 1 garlic clove, 1-2 raw green tomatillos, add this salsa to shrimp, mix with green onion, avocado in cubes and thin slices of cucumber.

And last, try "Ceviche salseado" (Black cevice). You will add to main recipe or to aguachile recipe, about 1/3 cup of tomato juice, 1/2 to 1 tbs of soy sauce, 1/2 to 1 tbs of Worcestershire sauce and as much tajin seasoning as you want. I am not 100% sure in the quantities, I always estimate, lol. But one tip if you want to try this option, don't use too much salt because salsas and tajin are already salty. Just for gown ups, add 1/2 beer🎉 it adds and awesome flavor.

sábado, 6 de enero de 2018

Linguini con mariscos (frutti di mare)

16oz camaron crudo pelado
8oz callo de hacha (scallops)
8oz carne de mejillones
4oz calamar
10-16oz salsa de almejas
24oz de salsa marinara
1/2 taza de vino blanco
4 dientes de ajo picado
1/2 cdita de chile seco quebrado
2cdas de aceite de oliva
16oz pasta linguini
Parmesano o perejil picado para servir
Sal y pimienta

Cocer pasta al dente.
Acitronar ajo en el aceite de oliva, agregar mariscos salpimentados y chile seco, en cuanto comiencen a cocinarse (2min), agregar la salsa de almeja, salsa marinera y vino blanco cocinar a fuego lento hadta que espese un poco aprox 15-20 min. Agregar pasta y cocinar a fuego lento 5 min mas. Servir con perejil y parmesano.